Retaining Read Information from Books

The link below is to an article that takes a look at how to retain information you have read from books and articles.

For more visit:

Kindle: How To Send eBooks, Documents, And Articles To Your Kindle App Or eReader

The link below is to an article that looks at how to send content to a Kindle App of Kindle Ebook Reader.

For more visit:

Application: SoundGecko

The link below is to an article that looks at SoundGecko, an application for many devices and the web, which allows you to listen to articles instead of reading them. There are a number of plans available, including a free one. Well worth looking at for people on the go.

For more visit:

Article: Chrome – Send to Kindle

Amazon has released a Chrome extension for sending articles on the web to read later on the Kindle.

For more visit the following link:

Article: Saving Web Articles to read on a Kindle Reader

The link below is to a brilliant article on how to save web articles to read later on your Kindle ebook reader. It’s a tutorial on how it’s done. The article includes Instapaper as an option, which is the application that I use. There are other possibilities included. A great little tutorial.

For more visit:

Web Application: Readlists

The link below is to an article about a new web application that can turn a set of articles into an ebook that can be sent to your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or email.

For more visit:

Readlists at: