
BookCrossing is simply giving a book an identity and releasing it into the world, then watching its progress from person to person via the BookCrossing website, where each book has its own unique profile. 

Some time ago I registered with BookCrossing and released a book ‘into the wild.’ What happened to that book is unknown to me as nothing was ever registered on the BookCrossing site. It has since been a long time and I’m about to release another book. 

I have a box of books ready to go, but have been limited by a lack of a car from participating too much in the BookCrossing experiment. Now I’m ready to go again and hope to find good places to release books, where others will pick them up and read them, then pass them along (or keep them if they like – that is fine with me).

The link below is to my profile at BookCrossing:
BookCrossing – particularkev’s Bookshelf.

Article: Shoplifting Book on Ethics

The link below is to an article reporting on a man suspected of shoplifting a book on ethics – maybe he should be allowed to keep the book?

For more visit:

Article: Libraries Begin Fining People for not Picking up Holds

The article linked to below concerns libraries in Canada fining users who fail to pick up their ‘hold.’ What do you think about these sorts of fines? They are meant to keep books available for those who actually will use the books kept on hold.

For more visit:

Article: The Need to Read

The following link is to an article about the need to keep reading, whatever happens in the traditional book vs digital book battle.

For more visit:

Terrorism and the Illuminati – A Three Thousand Year History, by David Livingstone

I have started to read ‘Terrorism and the Illuminati – A Three Thousand Year History,’ by David Livingstone. I haven’t read a lot as of yet, but it appears to be a book full of conspiracy theories about a secret society (the Illuminati) that are behind world events. Not being a believer in such a theory I am not sure just how much of this book I’ll be able to stomach, but having only read the introduction at this point I’ll try and keep myself restrained from speculating too much on the book. I do have to say that what I have read in the introduction had me thinking ‘is this for real?’ I don’t mean that in the sense of being convinced, but rather in the sense of ‘can anyone really believe this?’

With the death of Osama Bin Laden recently and the various conspiracy theories that have surfaced as a result, this sort of book will probably be enjoying a wider audience at the moment. If conspiracy theories interest you, then this book may very well be of interest to you. There are various associated links below.

There is an online version at the book’s website:

You can also find the book at Scribd:

If you prefer to buy a copy at Amazon, it is available at:


Thomas Nelson Book Reviewer

I have this morning become a book reviewer for Thomas Nelson. This will involve me reading and reviewing books that Thomas Nelson send to me. It is an unpaid job, but I do get to keep the books I review. I guess this could be a good and/or bad thing, depending on the individual book I read and review.

Being a part of this program will allow me to keep current on trends in Christianity – at least to some degree, as I read and review the books that are sent to me. It will also save me money as I don’t have to pay for the actual books that are sent to me. So the library will continue to grow and my reading will span the length and breadth of the current ‘Christian’ scene.

I will be posting reviews of the books I read and review for Thomas Nelson here, so readers of this Blog will be able to ‘experience’ the journey with me. They will also be posted on commercial book selling sites.

My reviews, will of course, be from my Particular Baptist perspective – which I guess will be somewhat novel for a Thomas Nelson book reviewer.
