Not My Review: The Kindle 4

The link below is to a review of the Kindle 4, which incidently I have just purchased myself. I thought it was a fair review of the Kindle 4 and it seems to lean towards my own opinion of the Kindle 4. If you’re interested in buying an ebook reader and in particular a Kindle, the review linked to below is worth a read.

For more visit:

Books: Are We Getting Dumber?

Does Anyone Read Books Anymore?

The link below is to an article that asks, ‘who reads books these days?’ It’s an interesting question. I have long thought that humanity is becoming dumber, overall. Certainly our overall wealth of knowledge is growing, however, I would argue that the majority of people are getting dumber. Is that a fair statement? I guess it’s a matter of opinion.

For more visit:

Fresh Start

I have neglected this Blog a bit – a fair bit – and for that I apologise. I am hoping to change that a bit from now on and post at least once a week, if not more. I have been really busy – which is the truth of the matter. I maintain a lot of sites and Blogs, with some of them getting major re-designs and so on. That is still an ongoing process, but I no longer want that to stand in the way of this Blog.

So a fresh start from today. I won’t post updates on what has been posted before, but begin with a fresh approach, etc. So on to the first post in my ‘reawakening’ here.