Australia: Library Use and Ebooks

The link below is to an article that takes a look at Australia’s libraries and how users use them and ebooks.

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Article: Warning – Update Kindle iOS App Before iOS7

The link below is to an article reporting on an important warning for Kindle iOS App users – update the app prior to installing iOS7 or you may loose ebooks.

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Hoopla wants to be a free Netflix for library users


Hoopla wants to make borrowing material from a library as convenient as streaming content on the web. The company, launching to the public today after several months in beta, offers patrons of participating libraries access to on-demand streaming movies and TV shows, as well as audiobooks and music that can be streamed or downloaded. There’s no waiting, and patrons don’t have to remember to return the digital materials: After a set period of time, they expire. Titles can be streamed on Hoopla’s website or its iOS (s AAPL) and Android (s GOOG) apps.

The service launches at a time when libraries are increasingly making ebooks available to patrons. Seventy-six percent of U.S. public libraries offered access to ebooks in 2012. But offering access to other types of digital materials is still fairly new. It’s unclear how many users want them, but since Hoopla lets libraries pay per use, it…

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iTunes users spend a lot on apps and music, not so much on ebooks (chart)


On Wednesday morning Apple revealed the latest stats on iTunes video: users have downloaded 1 billion TV episodes and 380 million movies total, at the rate of 800,000 TV episodes and over 350,000 movies per day. Combined with the company’s recent revelation that it has 575 million active iTunes(s AAPL) accounts now, one interesting takeaway is that, while the number of iTunes accounts has grown substantially in the last five years, the amount users are spending on video hasn’t changed very much.

Horace Dediu made some calculations and plotted all of the data on a chart over at his Asymco blog:

Based on these latest numbers, Dediu calculated how much iTunes users spend per year on different types of media. He says it’s “about $9/yr on Software, $2/yr on books, $16/yr on apps $12/yr on music and $4/yr on video.”

On one hand, this chart backs up something we already…

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Article: eReaderIQ

The link below is to an article that looks at the Kindle ebook site eReaderIQ – well worth a look for Kindle users.

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Article: Ownshelf – Store your Ebooks in the Cloud

The link below is to an article that looks at an interesting new startup that is offering a service allowing users to store their ebooks in the cloud, as well as share them with their friends.

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Article: Amazon to Allow Users to Opt Out of Advertisements

Advertisements on the Kindle was not a smart move by Amazon, but they have quickly responded by allowing owners to opt out of the advertisements for a one off fee. That was a very smart move and has prevented Amazon loosing their place as the top dog in ebook readers and sales. This could have been the decision that destroyed Amazon and may have allowed another player to gain ground easily on them. The link below is to an article that reports on the opt out opportunity.

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