Article: Latest Ebook Lawsuit About to be Dismissed

The link below is to an article reporting on progress in the latest ebook lawsuit before the courts that involves Amazon and others. It appears it will soon be thrown out.

For more visit:

Article: Considerations Before Self-Publishing Your Book

The link below is to an article that points out a number of important things to consider before self-publishing a book.

For more visit:

Page 99 Test: Testing Books Out Before You Buy

Page 99 Test is a social network for authors to post page 99 of their book so that users of the site can test their book. The theory is you open page 99 of any book to get the feel of it and to see if it is something that you would like to read – does it grab you enough for you to want to read more? So authors post there page 99 for book lovers to read and then to rate and comment on. So it is a site that you can give feedback to an author prior to the book being published. Anyhow, have a look at the links below and learn more.

You can listen to a podcast about Page 99 Test and the founders of it at:

Visit Page 99 Test at:


Fresh Start

I have neglected this Blog a bit – a fair bit – and for that I apologise. I am hoping to change that a bit from now on and post at least once a week, if not more. I have been really busy – which is the truth of the matter. I maintain a lot of sites and Blogs, with some of them getting major re-designs and so on. That is still an ongoing process, but I no longer want that to stand in the way of this Blog.

So a fresh start from today. I won’t post updates on what has been posted before, but begin with a fresh approach, etc. So on to the first post in my ‘reawakening’ here.