Article: Reading Fees at the Bookshop

The link below is to an article that looks at the possibility of customers being charged a fee for reading books in the bookshop. That do you think? Tell us in the comments.

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Article: Ebook Readers Loosing Ground

The link below is to an article that suggests ebook readers are on the way out, being replaced by various tablet computers. I guess this is a real possibility, which I haven’t really thought a great deal about. I have noticed some ebook readers (i.e. Kindle) beginning to look more and more like a tablet computer, so this should not be a great surprise.

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Article: Are Higher Prices a Possibility?

The link below is to an article that suggests higher prices may be the new reality following the recent ebook pricing lawsuit settlement. Could that be the new reality? What do you think?

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Article: DRM Free Ebooks Future?

The links below is are to articles reporting on the possibility of DRM free ebooks in the future, especially with reference to Macmillans books.

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Book Review: Currently Reading – Print is Dead, by Jeff Gomez

I have been reading ‘Print is Dead – Books in our Digital Age,’ by Jeff Gomez and have now reached ‘Readers in a Digital Future.’ In this chapter Gomez begins to expound the possible future of the digital world for book readers. It is a world that abounds with possibility and an experience of reading that bibliophiles of the past could only dream of (if they could look passed the traditional book format). The book reading future will allow the reader to carry an entire library on a personalised device that can be accessed anywhere and at anytime, with the ability to interact with other digital sources of information and other readers from around the globe, to share insights and to communicate via chat and discussion functionality on book-based social networks, web applications and sites. The reader will also be able to store notes within the book that will be able to be edited and shared, to highlight text, search within a document or an entire library and even expand his/her own library seemingly endlessly. The possibilities and richness of the digital future for bibliophiles is incredible to think about and should be within our grasp.

As the digital future approaches I know it is a future I look forward to being able to grasp with both hands as a bibliophile. My traditional book library can expand no further – I have no more space for it to do so. However my digital library has already grown beyond the capability of a home twice my current size to hold and it continues to do so. Will I be able to read them all – probably not. But they will be entertainment, as well as tools, that I can use as I please and they will provide me with experiences as yet untold. The future of reading looks amazing as it continues to appear and unfold on the horizon and as the first rays of the digital era break forth upon us.

Of course, if ebooks are handled poorly by authors and publishers, the rich future of reading that could be, may not be. Many of the possibilities of a digital future could be squandered and Gomez warns us of this possibility. What a wasted opportunity should greed and jealousy stand in the way of a richer reading experience. The reading public also need to understand what it actually costs to produce an ebook and the ebook then needs to be priced fairly and be fairly accessible to the reader across all of their devices.

See also: (Website of Jeff Gomez)
Podcast (Excerpts from the Book)
Google Books