Article: Order has Arrived

Here in Australia, we would say ‘only in America.’ The link below is to a classic article about a man who called police when a package was discovered on his front doorstep.

For more visit:

Changing the World: November 21 – Turning Off the Box

Now this is a great suggestion – turn off the box!!!

Yes, this one is all about turning the TV off and doing something else, something better with the time you claw back from the idiot box. That might sound strange to people today – but I enjoy the fact that I don’t watch much television anymore. So much time is wasted in front of the television and there is plenty of other things to do.

To quote a television ad which I believe advertises the virtue of getting out in the world and fishing, etc, ‘that ain’t living.’

Reclaiming time from the box is a great idea.

See also:


A response to reading ‘365 Ways to Change the World,’ by Michael Norton