Digital Book Costs for Libraries

The link below is to an article that takes a look at the costs of ebooks and audiobooks for libraries.

For more visit:

Article: How Much Should Ebooks Cost?

The link below is to an article that considers what the price for ebooks should be – the comments section is also interesting, with some very good thoughts among them.

For more visit:

Article: What Price for Ebooks?

The link below is to an article that looks at how much ebooks should cost. How much are you willing to pay for ebooks? Tell us in the comments.

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Just something I posted on another of my Blogs.

Random Thoughts

I don’t often buy music any more. On the odd occasion I may, if I believe the price is reasonable, grab a CD or these days something of the iTunes site. Generally though I stopped buy music a long time ago. Why? Well, in my opinion it was far too overpriced. A CD with just 8 songs on it or perhaps even less than 8, for the price they were charging – no way!

Now I have a subscription to Spotify and I can stream (and save playlists to my lap top) music for a very reasonable price. Not everything is on Spotify, but I will still buy something from iTunes should I wish to – such as a couple of The Voice Australia songs.

For me, buying music or not buying music was never about could I get a pirated version. I stopped buying music because it was too…

View original post 50 more words

Website: Pinterest and Pin A Quote

How to Use Pinterest for Quotes

The link below is to a website that allows you to highlight any text and pin it to a Pinterest board. There is a small cost for using the service. The site provides a video on how it works and also examples of how people use it. Pinterest is becoming even more useful.

For more visit: