Amazon: Best Books/Ebooks of 2013

The links below are to Amazon’s best books and ebooks of 2013. Perhaps your next book or ebook can be found there?

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Top Books/Ebooks of 2013:Top 100 Books of 2013:

Top 100 Ebooks of 2013:
Kindle Ebooks

Frankfurt Book Fair 2013: New ebook markets, battles and pricing strategies


No matter what country they’re in, book publishers worldwide share some of the same challenges. They’re grappling with the digital transition — which, depending on where you live, has either already arrived or is about to come knocking. They’re battling for readers’ eyeballs, trying to make books stand out in a sea of other forms of entertainment. And they’re figuring out how to price their digital content.

These themes were major topics of discussion at the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair, which brings over 200,000 book trade professionals to Germany each fall and took place this week. Here’s a roundup of the best coverage and biggest trends from the fair.

International ebook markets: What’s the same, what’s different

By next year, more than half of all books sold in the U.S. will be purchased online rather than in stores. Russ Grandinetti, Amazon’s VP of Kindle Content, said at the Publishers Launch…

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Article: 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature – Alice Munro

The links below are to articles reporting on the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature which has been won by Alice Munro.

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The link below is to an article that takes a look at the nobel prize winner for literature.

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