Not My Review: The Kindle 4

The link below is to a review of the Kindle 4, which incidently I have just purchased myself. I thought it was a fair review of the Kindle 4 and it seems to lean towards my own opinion of the Kindle 4. If you’re interested in buying an ebook reader and in particular a Kindle, the review linked to below is worth a read.

For more visit:

Kindle: I Finally Have One

After a number of years of reading ebooks on my lap top and before that on my old computer, I have now got myself a Kindle – the Kindle 4. A little bit of trial and error – a bit of playing about with it and I think I now have it worked out (more or less). I’m thrilled with it I have to say. I’ll finally be able to read ebooks without having to set up the lap top – so much easier with the Kindle. So I have loaded a couple of books onto it with the USB connection to the lap top, so I’m set to go. Now I can take my reading with me wherever I go and not be worried about a bulky set up of any description.

I have also bought the Kindle cover for it, that way the screen will be protected and my investment won’t meet an unhappy and early death.

For more information on the Kindle visit: