Article: Scribd Subscription Service

There seems to be no end of ebook subscription services at the moment. Now Scribd has got in on the act, introducing a new subscription service for a monthly fee. The link below is to an article that reports on the service being provided by Scribd.

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Article: Reading Fees at the Bookshop

The link below is to an article that looks at the possibility of customers being charged a fee for reading books in the bookshop. That do you think? Tell us in the comments.

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Article: Amazon to Allow Users to Opt Out of Advertisements

Advertisements on the Kindle was not a smart move by Amazon, but they have quickly responded by allowing owners to opt out of the advertisements for a one off fee. That was a very smart move and has prevented Amazon loosing their place as the top dog in ebook readers and sales. This could have been the decision that destroyed Amazon and may have allowed another player to gain ground easily on them. The link below is to an article that reports on the opt out opportunity.

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