Book Collection or Library?

The link below is to an article that explains the apparent difference between a book collection and a library – what do you own?

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Choosing What Books to Collect

I guess there are many reasons for choosing what books to collect – for me, there seems no point unless I’m actually interested in the content of the said books. I guess for some it may be simply a means to gain some financial advantage over time, and for others because these ones look good in my living room (so designer reasons). The link below is to an article that looks at how to choose what books to collect – I would suggest it is up to the reader to decide if any of this is valid.

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I think it is fair to say that most people who visit this Blog have some kind of love for books/ebooks/audiobooks – it just goes with the territory. I’d say it is also probably fair to say that most people who visit here have a lot of the said books/ebooks/audiobooks – and have not read all of them (possibly most of them). Why is that? Perhaps you would like to share your thoughts in the comments.

The link below is to an article that looks at why one person has not read all of their books.

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