Authors Prefer Traditional Publishers

The link below is to an article that takes a look at the preference of traditional publishing for authors.

For more visit:,0,2171066.story#axzz2qGNO62dt

Article: Alternatives to Goodreads

Amazon has purchased Goodreads, which I don’t really think is all that surprising. I think it is a good fit for Amazon, especially with the Kindle ebook market that they have. I chose Goodreads over Shelfari some time ago and the purchase of Goodreads by Amazon won’t drive me away to a lesser book and reading social network. 

When I saw that Amazon had purchased Goodreads I did do a quick ‘Oh no,’ but really I don’t see any real reason for concern at this stage. Indeed, it may be of value to me, especially given my preference for the Kindle. I guess time will tell.

I’m sure there are plenty of people looking for possible alternatives – and if things do go south with Amazon ownership of Goodreads, I too may end up looking for an alternative. The link below is to an article that considers a few alternatives to Goodreads.

For more visit: