Marketing on Goodreads

The link below is to an article that looks at what you need to know in order to market your book/ebook on Goodreads.

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Frankfurt Book Fair 2013: New ebook markets, battles and pricing strategies


No matter what country they’re in, book publishers worldwide share some of the same challenges. They’re grappling with the digital transition — which, depending on where you live, has either already arrived or is about to come knocking. They’re battling for readers’ eyeballs, trying to make books stand out in a sea of other forms of entertainment. And they’re figuring out how to price their digital content.

These themes were major topics of discussion at the 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair, which brings over 200,000 book trade professionals to Germany each fall and took place this week. Here’s a roundup of the best coverage and biggest trends from the fair.

International ebook markets: What’s the same, what’s different

By next year, more than half of all books sold in the U.S. will be purchased online rather than in stores. Russ Grandinetti, Amazon’s VP of Kindle Content, said at the Publishers Launch…

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Article: Amazon Matchbook

The link below is to an article that looks at Amazon Matchbook, which is yet another reason why Amazon continues to dominate the book/ebook market. The Amazon emphasis is on putting the ‘reader’ first and it is a strategy that works well for them.

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Article: Ebook Single Releases Increasing

The link below is to an article that reports on the rising number of Ebook Singles entering the market.

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Article: Alternatives to Goodreads

Amazon has purchased Goodreads, which I don’t really think is all that surprising. I think it is a good fit for Amazon, especially with the Kindle ebook market that they have. I chose Goodreads over Shelfari some time ago and the purchase of Goodreads by Amazon won’t drive me away to a lesser book and reading social network. 

When I saw that Amazon had purchased Goodreads I did do a quick ‘Oh no,’ but really I don’t see any real reason for concern at this stage. Indeed, it may be of value to me, especially given my preference for the Kindle. I guess time will tell.

I’m sure there are plenty of people looking for possible alternatives – and if things do go south with Amazon ownership of Goodreads, I too may end up looking for an alternative. The link below is to an article that considers a few alternatives to Goodreads.

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Article: Amazon and Second Hand Ebooks

The link below is to an article that looks at Amazon’s move into the second hand ebook market and what the future may hold as a result.

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Article: A Problem with Free Ebooks???

The link below is to an article that asks the question ‘are free ebooks killing the market?’ For me, this seems to be drawing a long bow, but I suppose it is worth considering – then dismissing. What do you think?

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