Kindle Matchbook Closing

The links below are to articles reporting on the closure of Kindle Matchbook.

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Article: Bundling & Debundling

The link below is to an article that comments on recent trends to both bundle and debundle digital and traditional content.

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Article: Bad Amazon – Kindle Matchbook

The link below is to an article that takes a different approach to Kindle Matchbook and once again Amazon is the bad boy. You can always find some reason to bash Amazon, but I remain a fan and I don’t see any great issue with Kindle Matchbook. It seeks to look after the customer/reader, and perhaps that is the real issue for publishers. I think most publishers have had an issue with looking after their customers/readers, so it’s really no surprise that this would be a something they take issue with.

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Article: Amazon Matchbook

The link below is to an article that looks at Amazon Matchbook, which is yet another reason why Amazon continues to dominate the book/ebook market. The Amazon emphasis is on putting the ‘reader’ first and it is a strategy that works well for them.

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Article: Kindle MatchBook

The link below is to an article that takes a look at Kindle Matchbook, the new service provided by Amazon.

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